When I opened the front door this morning I was pleasantly surprised by a packet sitting on our porch. I would have given the owl that delivered it a treat, but it was no where to be found. I took my packet in with a bouncy sense of glee and opened it right away. Here is what I received from the awesome Calypsobard (aka Piper Poplartree).

This was really an awesome kit. I have never done much beading...okay, I have never made jewelry with beads so this is a great new experience for me. And the bag she send me is super cute....in Ravenclaw Colors. >.>
Oh, and see the Orange sticky note? It say, "Ack, Jorja found my shopping bag & nommed. Thankfully all in tact save for the plastic!" I'm sorry to say that I laughed.

I adore these wonderful charms. The snitches are just too cute. And The cat was especially adorable...or maybe it's a Kneazel? You never can tell with those little buggers. I've already tied one of the snitches to my purse and will put one of the hats on my key chain as soon I removed some of the other crap dangling from it.

She even send me some coffee! (not yet in my ever present cup though) Toasted Southern Pecan, Breakfast blend, and White Chocolate Obsession. I'm especially thrilled about the White Chocolate one.

Also included where some awesome

Slytherin Stitch markers, a snitch that proudly flutters around my workspace now, a wonderful Slytherin Bracelet, and a note pad with a coffee cup on it.
Thank you so much Calypso!! I love it.